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Deciding Which Natural Deodorant is Best for You

With so many options out there, we get it, trying to decide which natural deodorant to choose can be quite the task! Natural deodorants have come a long way and consumers have many different choices, from deodorant sticks, to the newer deodorant balms on the market.

With so many formats and formula types, you will have to do some research to make the best choice for yourself, but here are some tips that can help:

Deodorant Balms or Deodorant Sticks?

These are the two main formats that you will find while searching for deodorant options. The sticks are formulated in a way that includes a bit more "filler" to make them a firmer solid. And balms which come in closed containers such as tins or jars, have a creamier softer consistency with less "filler".

The stick deodorants often come in plastic, which can be a bummer when a consumer is trying to be more conscious of eco-friendly choices. There are also cardboard options, but those can sometimes be a bit tricky to push the product up as its used. 

Stick deodorants are the type of deodorant that most people are familiar with, and they can easily provide a hands free way to apply the product.

Deodorant balms may take a little getting used to, but are becoming more and more popular, and we have heard of people applying them in a variety of different ways. 

Most people opt for the finger scoop and swipe method, where you apply the product to your skin and rub it in with a finger. But others have used a popsicle stick or other hands free methods to achieve this too!

Many consumers report that they enjoy the softer texture of the deodorant balms, and also often find that with less filler, the deodorant holds up better throughout the day.

The biggest advantage to deodorant balms? Many of them are now refillable at specialty stores - and we are so here for that!!

To Baking Soda, or Not to Baking Soda...?

Ok, so we can't discuss natural deodorants without talking about baking soda, and there are natural deodorants that contain baking soda, and other formulas that don't. So what's the big deal anyway? 

For most people baking soda is a super effective and welcome ingredient in deodorant, however, some people will develop a rash because their skin can't handle the alkalinity of bicarbonate.

If you have ever wondered why you have gotten a rash or irritation from your natural deodorant, the culprit is usually baking soda. Luckily, there are many baking soda free options for sensitive skin, of you are in the small percentage of people who react to it.

Some excellent ingredients to look out for in baking soda free deodorants, are diatomaceous earth, and activated charcoal (both of which have a more neutral pH).

A Few Words on Scented Products

Another irritant that people sometimes react to, is fragrance. From skin irritation, to migraines or headaches, and even breathing difficulties, some people are just not able to handle fragrance.

Most people with sensitivities find that they are much more sensitive to synthetic fragrances than natural ones coming from essential oils. And for some people, they just can't tolerate any fragrance, natural or not. 

Most natural deodorants come scented, and the higher quality ones will favour the use of more expensive natural essential oils over synthetic fragrances. However, there are also unscented natural deodorants that work extremely well at stopping odour.

Underarm Skin is Still Skin

The skin of the underarm needs the same kind of care and attention as the skin on the rest of your body. It is helpful to choose a deodorant that has quality ingredients with moisturizing and skin friendly properties.

Some really great ingredients to watch out for include coconut oil (full of bacteria-killing lauric acid), and raw shea butter (not chemically processed, and intensely moisturizing).

So whether you opt for a stick or balm, baking soda or not, and scented or unscented - the exciting part is that there are no shortage of choices. Look for deodorants that use quality ingredients, naturally scented products, and eco-friendly packaging. Beyond that, it will come down to which product your skin (and you!) loves the most.



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